October 7, 2011

First Week of October

This week was very eventful! The most exciting thing to happen was the arrival of our school bird, Parakeet. (Somehow the children didn't feel inclined to name him more creatively...) The kids have been pumping out dozens of "bird books." I'm sure many of you have been showered with them at home. The work involves the children using a bird puzzle to label and color the parts of the bird. We also witnessed our first butterfly emerge from its chrysalis! The school has just been full of life!

Our kindergarteners are progressing very nicely with their math, reading, and writing works. Almost every day we hear the kids puttering through the halls looking for letters that start with the "e" sound or coming in the office to get a "comprevension," which is kid-talk for the comprehension worksheets that go along with the Primary Phonics storybooks.

Yesterday, Ms. Melodie's class made applesauce. The children were fascinated by the spinning peeler. The school smelled incredible the whole morning. Today the kids mashed the cooked apples ate the sauce for snack.

Also, the kids discovered that our radishes grew huge over the weekend! They had so much fun deciding which ones were big enough to harvest. Of course, we had a few eager beavers among us and quite a lot of skinny radishes were prematurely picked. No problem! The chickens had a blast eating them up, leaves and all! Today we'll let the kids taste the radishes for themselves with pizza.We'll see how that goes!