October 21, 2011

"worms in my pocket"

School is progressing so nicely these days... more and more of our students are starting to learn their sounds with Ms. Marie and Ms. Melodie, and our older students are moving onto their teens numbers. Each and every day these children seem to grow older, taller, and wiser. They're feeling more comfortable with the rhythm of the classroom and our new students are beginning to more confidently choose works for themselves. Some of our new works this week included:

  • hand drilling
  • wood block sanding
  • powdered watercolor painting
  • corn cob tweezing
  • scrubbing gourds
  • matching Audubon's birds
Outside, the kids have harvested more radishes. Yesterday they begged the teachers if we could eat them for lunch. So the kids scrubbed and dried them outside, but couldn't wait until lunch. Instead, they decided to bite into them then and there. Can you believe that these children crave radishes? Of all vegetables! That's the magic of having a garden for kids.

The leaves and pine needles continue to fall, but somehow the children keep finding wooly bears. They also find worms... lots of worms. One day this week, when the teachers brought the children in for lunch, two little boys protested. "But I have worms in my hand!" Indeed, the child had worms in his hand... a whole golf-ball sized knot of them. The next child exclaimed, "and I have worms in my pocket!" The teachers thought it was a joke. (Who keeps worms in their pockets?) But still the child insisted, "there are three worms in there!" The teacher checked again and, lo and behold, found exactly three living worms in the depths of his flannel pockets. These moments remind us how lucky we are to work with goofy kids every day. We all got a big laugh out of this particular story!