September 21, 2011

Our Garden

This year our school garden grew magnificently! Here you can see our first bloomed sunflower. It was a Mammoth Giant variety and reached about 10 feet in the sky! Our corn didn't produce any ears, but we aren't sure what the reason for that could be. We've heard that pollination this year wasn't very good around the state, but that's just another good reason to promote healthy honeybees. Perhaps next year we'll try self-pollinating. What you can't see in these photos is just how many tomatoes we had! In addition to the many beautiful heirloom varieties given to the school by gardening parents, we also were happy to discover hundreds of volunteer plants! We even had a volunteer pumpkin!

Plans for next year's garden are already underway. Parents, please talk to Ms. McKenzie if you would like to volunteer to grow any special plants (but maybe we'll lay off the tomatoes next year since we'll inevitably end up with loads of surprise ones...) We'd also like to start a raspberry trellis, and maybe we'll add to our strawberry patch too! This fall, Ms. Heather and the children planted peas, spinach, lettuce, and radishes. In about a month we'll add some garlic to the mix so we can harvest it next spring/summer.

If you don't compost at home already, feel free to bring your food scraps to school and dump them in our compost crates. Our garden can use all the nutrients it can get!

Thank you again for all of your amazing assistance!